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Love to father in 2 (out of many) notes:

a.”your daughter loves you. Abba, Shalom – tear because you ran away from Tammar, Your loving daughter”

b. “The best father in the world for Father’s Day 1998. The dearest father in the world, who always helps & is always there when you need him. Happy Father’s Day”

Tammy & mom's family:
Savta Batya, Danni, Meir.

Tammy and Mom

(Pregnant with Ruthie)



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Tammy with her cousin Efty

Earlier in life Tammy wrote to mother:

“I make to you a little present for Mother’s Day.

I love you when you help us  with everything.”

Tammy with her uncle Danni's family (cousins Inbal & Lemour)

In her diary (written in a very young age, in Israel):

"Today something very funny happened. Daddy was tired. He stood in the kitchen & squizzed orange juice & his pants fell down. Funny, isn’t it ?"

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