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Our Tammy

Life is full of surprises & not always those are pleasant.

After a year when you used to wake up with a smile on your face, a dark & heavy cloud started to hover over you & you, just as everything you did, you fought to the last minute, like a real true fighter; despite the bad pain that certainly tore you inside, you continued to be there, to smile & to give us the sense that everything will be fine & you’ll come back.

Life is not fair, we already learned.

After a whole year, beautiful & good with you , with days full of endless  love & many memories we would like to thank you for all the moments when you were always there for us to provide advice, friendship,  shoulder to support & obviously in the Number One Teacher.

Those moments will stay with us for ever!!!

If there is anything that gives us some consolation now it is that you are no longer suffering & you can rest without the stone that was on your heart.

 Tammy, you did not really start with us our last year in school, but we did & we are still doing everything to not disappoint you.

Until now  we crossed our fingers (as they say) & we never lost hope; we knew that you will win & return to us completely healthy, to bring with us the year to an end, exactly the way we were planning & we wanted to do it.  

It is so hard without you, our longings are so strong & the empty feeling only grows, keeps growing.

We’ll never forget you Teacher for Life. For ever we will carry you with us & remember you the way you were: a strong woman, courageous, full of joy, warmth & love that for a whole year we had the pleasure to live close to her & absorb plenty of knowledge, light & wisdom from her.


Loving, missing, & we will never forget.

Koran Hassan,  Grade 12 (class no.4)

Phrases out of conversations on Whatsapp between Tammy & students:

- If you need something tell me (said even when she was already sick)

- Good that's helping. Support each other.

- I miss you & think of you all the time. Send me light & powers, I need           your reinforcement.

- I’ll be glad to know how you are doing in school.

 - You are in the clouds. I hope the parties are good, at least.

- I will be OK. Good luck with your studies.

- Did you take a pill?

- Where are you?

- Against who on Saturday?

- How are you feeling?

- What will happen?

- What is going on?

What was Tammy for me?


Tammy was more than just a teacher for me, she was caring & friendly.

She always laughed at or with us even when she should have been strict. She led all the kids in our class to a much higher & better place than where they started. An amazing human being & good hearted.

“If you need something, tell me” –

When she was sick & already in the hospital she still wanted to help as much as possible & be there for us.


Ziv, Tammy’s student.

Tammy’s Students say:

If I need to tell who is Tammy?

* Angel

* Honesty

* Model to be imitated

* Optimistic

* Funny

* Laughed at us

* Beautiful smile

* Talented

* Loving person

* Person with values

* Loves cats.

* Ziv: led us to much higher & better places than

where we arrived.

*Tomer: She was the educator I loved most & with whom I connected & she always understood me.

*Sharon: Tammy was for me more than a teacher & educator. She was a listening ear & never judged.

*Avi: For me a mother, she was like a second mother.

*Dror: The best teacher I had for studies & for life.

*Kamila: A model to imitate, my most beloved educator.

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