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“God will console you with all of Zion & Jerusalem.”

I received from Margalit the difficult news. I am sorry & feel the pain with you.

This is so difficult to absorb.


 Asher Abramovitz ,Kinneret Principal

shew heart broken today to hear of your passing my dear friend, even though I only made it to Israel briefly last year, I’m so glad we were able to catch up. I will miss you so much, our months living and working together were some of the best time of my life. You're one of the most gentle, kind and loving friends I have ever known. I wish I could have been there for you when you needed me the most.
I love you Tam Tam,
rest well my friend.


Kate Garber

Naamat High School in Hod Ha-Sharon bows its head and mourns the untimely death of our Tammy.

A friend, teacher, exceptional educator. There was not one student of yours that was not conquered by your charm.You could find a way to the heart of every student and win their confidence. Your simplicity & inner honesty which not always found peace/serenity in our world got into the students’ hearts & got their trust.

The world of teaching & education lost an authentic & devoted-to –no-end personality. I do not think there was anything you loved more than teach & educate & be with the students. You seemed to bloom when with them; you knew how to listen to them, to contain them, to be there for them. You did not expect compliments or medals for it. Your best reward was to see their eyes.

You did not give up on nobody, you fought for them & represented them & did all one can do to support their progress. And you did get back, hugely. The kids cherished you, they were so thankful to you.

You took some time off to check for another career, but you came back to us. You missed your higher calling, which is to help the students achieve their potential. Your students knew this and appreciated what you have done for them. High School Naamat Ha-Sharon became part of you. Your passing left a big void which will be difficult to fill.

You were part of our world just over ten years, but it feels as if you have been here much longer.  What people accomplish in years, you managed to squeeze into a mere ten. May be you knew subconsciously that you did not have much time in this world. You were so pretty, wise and talented, one of a kind. And then you were gone. So unfair!!

You had many talents: English teacher, Yoga teacher, pianist, song writer, multimedia teacher, excellent swimmer. You were strong, could see the entire system – every principal wishes for more teachers like you. We used to have many conversations, we wrote to each other, we asked questions, and we got answers, set goals. You worked on yourself, corrected, forgave and asked for forgiveness. You shared and you believed.

In your last days you recruited all your strength to keep your optimism.You saw how many people kept vigil at your bed, how many wrote to you, and how many wanted to be with you but were unable. This can’t be taken for granted. So many people enveloped you with love, and you closed your eyes forever surrounded by endless love knowing that you’re not alone & how much

you’re a part of us… an important & special part. Forgive us if we were unsuccessful or too late, the most important is that we really wanted. 

We will miss you, dear; you will always be in our hearts.


Nessia Boaz

Principal of Naamat Hod-Hsharon High School

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