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Tammy and Her Cats


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Tammy’s care for animals, mostly for cats, had no limits. It started with her dedication to the local cat . When we lived in the very small apartment in Rommema, Haifa, the cat found a place for itself in the building storage room & Tammy liked to tell about his ”complaints” when in need, something she observed in its movement. It became a habit since. Tammy also liked to express the cat’s angry feelings in a “dance” – Rogez Rogez – mom plays the piano & Tammy presents the cat's anger & frustration. Those fun times helped probably as ways to communicate also Tammy’s own emotions.

Upon settling in MPLS a cat was found who got all the possible benefits except for dwelling with us in the house; special relationship followed:

Already in Haifa Tammy chose the cat's name (Pissu), based simply on the sounds we made to call & invite it. Ever since then each & every cat we had got this name. Only when- as an adult- she had her own cat in her home, Tammy could afford new names. Possibly she became aware of the discomfort the initial name caused us for years. Over the years, in Yonkers, NY, Tammy’s personal commitment to cats never stopped. We were lucky to see Pissu's offsprings for some time. After 18 years Pissu died & was buried at the very end of the backyard, under a big tree.

As years passed another cat “joined”. In her separate dwellings in NYC, when she lived with no roommates Tammy had a cat too, Harlem, who was part of our family. In Israel she continued – Ophelia, Bunny, Sophie. The first was adopted together with her roommate to be, Heidie-Hallel. Ophelia moved with them from Jaffa to Pardes Hanna, to Hadera, & to Hagor. Ophelia was the privileged cat until her death, & was very aware of her special standing. 

During the years Tammy resided in Hagor, she provided for her cats. Even when hospitalized she made sure the food will arrive – for months ahead - & her nice neighbors - along with their kids - gave it to the cats around. The house's owner, Zvika, felt more protective of the cats & provided a place for them, which was "even better" than previously.    


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