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30 Days Memorial


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Nessia Boaz, the School Principal, opened the ceremony

with a tribute to Tammy:


On the thirties day to Tammy Z”L passing - the terrific educator, the Multimedia teacher, a colleague & friend, we conducted a ceremony in her memory in our school. In the presence of her family & friends, the class which she was the educator of, the principal of the Naamat Educational Organization, Ms. Mina Sheffi, the staff & other guests who honored us with their presence. The ceremony began with the unveiling of the creations made by our excellent students on the basis of Tammy’s original photo-portrait. These portraits were made using special techniques that our talented students studied in their classes at school: a typographic portrait where the text comprises Tammy’s facial features. A portrait from a photo to a drawing, in which color stains comprise the facial features & a drawing in Panda colors on top of the original photo.

Dedicated to the memory of

Tammy Levy Blessed memory


Multimedia teacher in Design course.

Educated, taught & was a significant & loved

roll model in students' lives.


"The Mediocre teacher tells.

The good teacher explains.

The superior teacher demonstrates.

The great teacher inspires."


Tammy Levy

During the ceremony

A page from the graduation ceremony  book of this year -June 2017. Tammy's students write how much they miss her.

A "pocket choir" of students from the "Naamat" school is singing "Go On" by Ilay Botner

To watch The Video

click on The Play button

Watch the students
at the "Naamat" school singing
"Go On"
by Ilay Botner,  

At the 30th anniversary ceremony in memory of Tammy

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