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Ever since the last night I had spent at my Tammy, my daughter’s bed side, I am unable to put on paper a eulogy. I feel unable to write something that will express, verbally, all that is happening inside me… not even now, about six months later.

I am writing things briefly as they come inside me & make me feel“ fepush out, to get me to verbally express… not always, though, & it does not  always fit this website… yes, it is beyond overwhelming , it spills all over, overflows.


When we came back to Hagor cemetary, on the end of the Seventh Day since…  standing there near Tammy’s fresh grave, after Kadish & El Maleh Rahamim were cited, & without thinking-planning anything, I checked w Ruttie if she wanted to continue w something (as she sang on the funeral a song for Tammy, which Tammy liked, & before I myself identified what was going on w me, what was bursting out of me… something burst out of me…why & for what???

I was not prepared, & I was not even sure I could recall the words of Shaul Tschernichovsky’s poem, I started – yes, in my very hoarse voice – to sing his famous poem “I Believe”. Even later, upon recalling what has happened I was unable to solve my own question. It felt as if possibly the poem “came upon me at night”, while thinking about my Tammy, I was still unable to clear for myself: Why & for what? I could recall the melody, but both verses??? In a sore voice that in recent years could hardly take part singing when lighting Hanukah candles, I was still not reluctant to sing.

What the unconscious  ignites! When I came back & read & sang softly the melody I was further shocked. Even now, very early morning, & again & as usual, I am thinking of Tammy, the song is in me. I have to admit now, that reading it does something inside me…

I thought that possibly I can ask someone else, out of the people who knew Tammy here, in Israel & also others, may be you will have thoughts, words, sentences in this connection.    So that may be I will be able to better understand, w the help of these words what is going on in my UCS.

I decided to let you in on this, despite the great difficulty I still experience writing on this screen.


“So why, mommy, why my tears are just coming down on their own???”

& it’s so hard, impossible!!!

How, how can I accept – in silence?!?!

How is it possible to not ask a question?

How not even cry, scream my grievance, my complaint?!?!?!?!

Doubt??!?!? Sound a very bitter, unaccepting scream!!!


How is it possible??? Was I misled???

I was hoping, asking, begging – night & day & so on & so forth!!!

What really happened here in these past months???

Why here, in my birthplace

_ here I am!!! I finally am closer & closer to my daughter, my beloved…

Indeed, this is contradicting every & all that we wanted, asked for, begged for?!


After all these years, just as it seemed as if almost everything would be better, that we’ll live here & have a chance doing all that was postponed through the years that the ocean separated between us.

אֲנִי מַאֲמִין

 שאול טשרניחובסקי

שַׁחֲקִי, שַׁחֲקִי עַל הַחֲלוֹמוֹת,

זוּ אֲנִי הַחוֹלֵם שָׁח.

שַׂחֲקִי כִּי בָאָדָם אַאֲמִין,

כִּי עוֹדֶנִּי מַאֲמִין בָּךְ.


כִּי עוֹד נַפְשִׁי דְּרוֹר שׁוֹאֶפֶת

לֹא מְכַרְתִּיהָ לְעֵגֶל-פָּז,

כִּי עוֹד אַאֲמִין גַּם בָּאָדָם,

גַּם בְּרוּחוֹ, רוּחַ עָז.


רוּחוֹ יַשְׁלִיךְ כַּבְלֵי-הֶבֶל,

יְרוֹמְמֶנּוּ בָּמֳתֵי-עָל;

לֹא בָּרָעָב יָמוּת עֹבֵד,

דְּרוֹר – לַנֶּפֶשׁ, פַּת – לַדָּל.


שַׂחֲקִי כִּי גַּם בְּרֵעוּת אַאֲמִין,

אַאֲמִין, כִּי עוֹד אֶמְצָא לֵב,

לֵב תִּקְוֹתַי גַּם תִּקְוֹתָיו,

יָחוּשׁ אֹשֶׁר, יָבִין כְּאֵב.


אַאֲמִינָה גַּם בֶּעָתִיד,

אַף אִם יִרְחַק זֶה הַיּוֹם,

אַךְ בּוֹא יָבוֹא – יִשְׂאוּ שָׁלוֹם

אָז וּבְרָכָה לְאֹם מִלְּאֹם.


יָשׁוּב יִפְרַח אָז גַּם עַמִּי,

וּבָאָרֶץ יָקוּם דּוֹר,

בַּרְזֶל-כְּבָלָיו יוּסַר מֶנּוּ,

עַיִן-בְּעַיִן יִרְאֶה אוֹר.


יִחְיֶה, יֶאֱהַב, יִפְעַל, יָעַשׂ,

דּוֹר בָּאָרֶץ אָמְנָם חָי

לֹא בֶּעָתִיד – בַּשָּׁמַיִם,

חַיֵּי-רוּחַ לוֹ אֵין דָי.


אָז שִׁיר חָדָשׁ יָשִׁיר מְשׁוֹרֵר,

לְיֹפִי וְנִשְׂגָּב לִבּוֹ עֵר;

לוֹ, לַצָּעִיר, מֵעַל קִבְרִי

פְּרָחִים יִלְקְטוּ לַזֵּר.

Hear The Song

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